Logically Hating People: Corruption

the-read Series on How To <…>

Adi Amirudin


Prologue: Picking The Cents of The Penniless

Juliari… everyone.

I’m kind of sick of this but I still made a content outta this. I mean, really, since the trending of the №1 public enemy in Twitter in Nov/Dec 2020, the gamma of the Juliari Batubara’s cancel pulses through time, back and forth popped up in a ‘Corruption’ section of Indonesian news outlets every once in a while, up until now.

With now I mean; The saga of “I’ve had enough cancel, my family suffers from it, please just give me short sentence” to the real sentence.

Okay, so a little backstory here; “As a Ministry of Social Welfare, he somehow managed to get an approx. USD 2,38 Million (IDR 34 Billion) or in an epic newsflash of Dec 2020 (Cutting as much as 70 cents USD = IDR.10,000 per Covid-19 Relief Packages, which is supposed to be a package filled with staple foods for approx. 33 Million Covid-19-heavily-impacted-people).”

So you cannot really blame the cancel and people sentiments, I mean, it’s a trash move, to stoop that low to picking cents of the ‘penniless’.

Just Like Lemony Snicket’s: A Series of Unfortunate Events

Nope, this is not the movie, but that is the guy.

Have you ever watched Jim Carrey’s feat in that movie? You should, 'cause that’s gold, and also, you should, cause this next story somewhat resembles the movie’s general idea:

So an elderly, let’s say her name is Mrs.Amim had a really troubled time to adjust with Covid19, her husband didn’t get a single job call in the last 2 months, while she barely survived the week via her sons money, freelancers in a low season (again, his industry affected by Cov19). So a Bansos or Covid19 Relief Package was a real deal to her, and luckily, she got the quota. But the luck just ends there, when she’s trying to claim her relief package, someone was already done it, snatch her claims of the not-so-big-but-definitely-helpful bansos package. Same story happens to Mr.Tatang, on the same day, same site with Mrs.Amim, but the difference is, Mr.Tatang is a casual gig worker (pekerja serabutan) with no job for the last 3 weeks and don’t have the luxury of freelancer sons.

So in the end they just don’t get the Bansos, which is a bummer to Mrs.Amim but definitely another headache and possibly stomachache for him (Mr.Tatang) and family since papa kind of short of money.

Who was the culprit then? Up until now, we really don’t know, it’s so hard to trace because the claiming mechanism seems to be a kind of a fool-proof one. You need the Postal or Village/County officers (depending on where you claim your package) to match your National ID (e-ktp), with a printed-out unique barcode, and their database, then, you’ll be able to sign the claming document and pack out a relief package worth IDR.600,000 (USD.42). So really, if the barcode is unique and only Mrs.Amim had her own National ID, who the hell took her, Mr. Tatang’s (and possibly other) Bansoses???

The Red String: Culprits

The red string of these two stories is that the culprits seems to be doing exactly the same kind of foul-move, the first one, the Level 100 Boss doing it by 70 cents, while the others, the Level 1 Thug, stepping up the game by simply doing “take one or two of them, but like the FULL PACKAGE, cents is for the big players”.

The Main Theme: Logically Hating People

For me, Mr.Tatang, or Mrs.Amim, We’d simply chose -70 cents from Juliari over -USD 42 from some random culprit in any day. At least we (the poor) still can eat something from USD 41.30. That is, the simple response when I talked to them about their case (Mrs. Amim & Mr. Tatang) and comparing it to Juliari’s doing. The thing is, while Juliari’s case seems to be extravagant and eyes-popping, logically, the actual, direct, impact of Juliari’s doing on the so-called 33 Million Covid-19-heavily-impacted-people may not that severe or even felt….

Wait, of course, you can flip the logic by just doing simple math, -70 cents x Package Value =-Total Package. Regardless of the logic and simple assumptions, my point remains the same, that is:

Oftentimes, we use our microscopes on elephants stealing our peanuts. Media and mainstream journalism sided with the starry-eyed children of internet because they like the elephant, they do really like to spit, spew and curse on that elephant, for their loss of peanuts, all blindfolded, all while swarms of ants eating their peanuts as they spits.

Key Takeaway 1: From Hate to Heat

These hates are useful, both the excessive yet deservedly hate for Mr. Juliari and the hate for these Level 1 Thugs, these hate flames the heat to the place which police and justice sniffs in, while the case for Mr. Juliari is clearly has been processed, the Level 1 Thug cases still wide-open, which means we need to turn on the heat on these things.

So please, I know the elephant is kind of big, thick-skinned and noisy (while also bears precious ivories) but the ants, they’re swarming your peanuts too, please, shine some spotlights so that they might scatter frightfully.

Key Takeaway 2: Even Hate Needs Logic

Sometimes, maybe not every hates, but definitely this is a good point of view to start-up your days or reworks your perspectives in many things. Like I said before, I hate Juliari, but I even hate the small fries more.

And to judge things with these kinds of views is I think utterly important and such a good skill to possess. As streams and streams of information blurring (or the case for the unlucky, burying) our clear minds, we need to, I mean; Come on, internet people, let’s hate people logically. 😈😈😈

